Monday, June 25, 2012

Post Vacation Confession

Well, we are back from vacation. I'm a bit overwhelmed today with every thing that had to be done and the day is gone and it's almost time bed. WHAT A DAY!!!!!
-Kaleb wanted to stay home with me. He did and bless his heart he hung in there with me doing all of this!!!!
-Go grocery store for shopping after a 10 day vacation.
-Go by Verizon about my phone
-Laundry----that never seemed to end
-Pick up the dog from Winston
-Help a neighbor to see if we could get her keys out of her car.....we did not succeed.
-Fix dinner and clean up
-Kaleb a bath
-Gas in the car
OK...that is enough and that wore me out just writing about it. Oh, my favorite Pampered Chef Bar Pan busted in the oven tonight with my fish on it. NOT HAPPY!!!!

All of that being said.....I had NO MOTIVATION today. Absolutely None!!!! NADA!!! NOTHING!!!!! That is so not me.

My solution---
My running clothes are clean and laying on the bed for the morning.
I had broiled fish and veggies for dinner
I had a bowl of blueberries, raspberries and strawberries for dessert
I had a relaxing cup of coffee
I have already had a shower

I am back in the game!!!!!! Let's get to bed early!!!!

Game On,

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