Saturday, July 7, 2012

June Challenge

So my friend Danielle at the hospital that I have mentioned on here before issued a June Challenge via her husband, Adams company, called Team Genetics.  It was incredible.  I actually even went on vacation during June and of course was terrified that anything that I had done, I would loose. 

Glad to say that now we are into July, I can say that I won the challenge in my book.  I actually went on vacation and used the fitness room at our hotel. I walked every day and I even went for a run while we were gone.  Yes, I ate what I wanted while we were gone.  It was so much fun. 

Thank you Team Genetics for giving me something to shoot for and especially while traveling.  I am actually still on track. Still working hard!!!!  Please check out their T-shirts and active wear!!!!!!!!

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