Thursday, July 19, 2012

Pinterest Post

I have had a VERY busy week, working 4 nights in a row.  I am exhausted!!!!  I went running this morning with my friend Amber.  Bless her heart, she was as tired as I am and we KILLED a 4 mile run.  I mean we really KILLED IT!!!!  It was great and we got it done before it was so incredibly hot.  I posted on my other blog some great things that I have found on Pinterest that I just love so I thought it only right to do it here.  Some of my favorite things that I have read and "motto's" that I have actually said to myself when I didn't feel like going to run or just felt down and discouraged.  I hope they will help you and encourage you!!!!!!  Thank you so much Sarah for the idea!!!!!!!

Hope these encourage you today!!!!!!!!

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