Thursday, June 27, 2013


I've been struggling with getting back in the grove since summer is almost half way over and finding some way to get it back in gear.  Like a lot of you, I have been REALLY hard on myself.  Clothes don't fit quite the same and just tired due to the lack of exercise.......

I get my new SHAPE Magazine and Jillian has an article in there about traveling and not totally blowing it during travel/vacation.  So, I am reading along and then I read it!!!!!!

" #10- Get back in gear.  If you do bring a few unwanted pounds home, don't beat yourself up.  The best thing you can do for your body and your mind is to resume your regular routine immediately, scheduling a workout for the day after you return. "You just had a great time of vacation." says Jillian.  "Now you need to get your butt back in gear and move it. Full throttle!"

BOOM BABY!!!!!  Get Back In Gear!!!!!

Game On,
Coach Pam

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