Thursday, December 5, 2013

January....NO NOT YET!!!

Can you believe that January is right around the corner?  I'm just blown away that this year is almost over.  The changes in our family and even in myself in the last year is amazing.  It has been such a wonderful time! 
I started the year just like everyone else.  I had my plans and tried everything to do it on my own.  Well, that DID NOT WORK!!!!  A great friend asked me to join a Challenge Group.  I was a little hesitant but I did it!  Changed my whole year!!!! 
Left-last Christmas. Middle-after BBL- Right-30 days into P90X

Of course with January comes the thoughts of the NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS.  I'm not so much a resolutions person.  I'm more of the, "Living a Healthy Lifestyle" and adding more exciting things to that.  I found when I made my list of resolutions, I ended up setting myself up for failure.  By June, I was so far off and just quit.  Living healthy and finding things that I can do and try new adventures, the "resolutions" kind of just happen.  Does that make sense? 

So here is my list of "Non-Resolutions"
. More Bible Study/Quiet Time
. Better Wife/Mother/Daughter/Sister/Friend
. Drink More Water
. Conquer at least 2 if not 3 different Beachbody Programs.
. Become a Coach with Beachbody
. Teach my Hubby and Child to eat more veggies.
. Start school for the summer semester for teaching.
. Lose a few more pounds and gain some muscle
. Run the Rock N Roll Half Marathon at Virginia Beach
. Run The Bridge (Chesapeake Bay Bridge)
. Back to Myrtle Beach 2015 for at least Myrtle Beach Half Marathon (Possible Full)

What about you? Do you have a list?  Do you make New Years Resolutions? What do you want to accomplish this year? 

January......BRING IT!!!!!

Coach Pam

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