Sunday, November 1, 2015

What Am I Up To?

I realize it's been a long time but life happened.  So busy and just plain nuts is the only way I know how to describe it!  I FINALLY DID IT!!!!  I had posted on here so many times of how much I wanted to be a Beachbody Coach.  I finally took the leap.  It was very funny to see how many people thought I was already a Coach!!!  I'm loving it!!!  Paying it forward and helping other's!  I do have ambitious goals with being a Coach but that is another post for another day!
Now that I took that leap I am running Challenge Groups or Accountability Groups.  Totally blessed by doing such!  At the same time I have to keep myself going.  That is the fun part.  I get the "Coach Discount" on the programs that I buy AND hear about all of the new ones coming out.  NICE BENEFIT!!!!
Currently I am revisiting an old program.  One of the originals from Beachbody and the infamous Tony Horton!  P90X!!!  I remember the first time I put in a DVD and thought....:THERE IS NO WAY!!!  I put it in again 3 years ago and with a lot of determination I made it!!  I was so proud of myself but at the same time, I knew I needed to push a harder.  1 pound and 3 pound weights were NOT ENOUGH!!!  I'm excited to say, this time around, I'm using 10 pound weights for most exercises and really want some 12 and 15 pound weights.  NEVER thought I would say that!!
Lastly, I am diving into a new thought about how to eat.  It's always been a challenge for me and my diet.  I created a system in me that can not eat red meat.  I went vegetarian for about 2 years and have NEVER been able to add it back. I have tried and I let's just say......I won't do that again!!!  So when a friend said she was going to do a Whole 30 Challenge, my immediate response was YES!!!!!  I am always up for a good challenge.  I had the book already so that was not a problem.  I sat down and read through the first part again this weekend.  WHEW!!!  It's gonna be a challenge but I can't WAIT!!!!!  Bring It!!!!  (as Tony would say).
There you have it!!!!  I hope you will join me and follow along.  Put in your email on the side bar and you will get an email when I post a new entry!!!!!

Coach Pam
Phil. 4:13

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