Saturday, October 15, 2016

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness

This is always a difficult time.  Your mind may go back and wonder "What If?".  I can honestly say that mine does.  I can remember the day that we found out. I remember going to the doctor. I remember the ultrasound. I remember the 2nd and 3rd ultrasound. I remember being put to sleep. I remember going home and feeling totally numb and hurting so bad. I remember it like it was yesterday.  I am 1 in 4.  I experienced the Pregnancy Loss with a Miscarriage.  It is something that you can't describe at times.  If you have been there, you know exactly what I am talking about. 
Maybe yours was born sleeping. My heart hurts for you.  I can't say that I understand.  All I can say is I am so very sorry and cry along with you.  I have been with Mom's that found out that their babies were gone before they breathed their first. My heart hurts for you. That is pain that is unimaginable. I pray that those precious times of holding them will forever be in your heart. 
Maybe your baby arrived to early.  Maybe they arrived with medical issues mounted against them. Maybe they arrived and only were here for a few days or weeks or maybe even a few months. My prayer is that you as well as the rest of us, treasure those moments and times.  That sweet face that is forever etched in your memory and the treasures that you have.  
Maybe you have experienced any of the above and have never told anyone or shared your story.  I would encourage to share.  You can always to share with friends or family or those that will support you.  
I could go through and list friends that have all experienced the loss and for fear that I would leave one out,,,,,,,You know who you are and I love you so very much!!!!

So much Love and Prayers for 
All the Mom's, 
Coach Pam

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