Sunday, July 23, 2017

Shaun Week Results.......

So this week I started a new program of which I am SUPER EXCITED!
Before I start any program, I do pictures, weights and measurements.  Sometimes there is dramatic change and sometimes there is not nearly what I had hoped.
That is not anyone's fault but mine.
Well, the last program kicked my behind!  I mean, clothes drenched in sweat every single day!!!!
It was CRAZY!  I had to do the 3 things last week of weight, pictures and measurement.  I have finally reached a place where the scale is just a number!
It has taken a long time!!!!!
I had been stuck at a plateau for a while.
Well......I jumped on the scale....10 POUNDS!!!!
Are you KIDDING ME!!!!!😱😱😱😱😱.
10 more and I will be at Pre-Kaleb weight!  (Yes, I know he's 10😀🤣).
The program I just started is 3 weeks.  I will be doing 2 rounds!!!!  I'm super EXCITED!!!!  Plateau BUSTED!!!  Let's GO!!!!!
Are you ready?
Are you stuck?
Are you sitting on a plateau?
Let me know!!!!  We can do this together!!!!!! 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻

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