Sunday, June 10, 2012

Game On Tara!!!!!!!

Well, I have talked and talked about the plan that I wrote for my friend Tara.  Named it "Transformation From The Inside Out."  I am super excited.  She has read over the plan and likes it.  She has taken the challenge and has even agreed to blog about her adventure.  I'm overwhelmed with her excitement.  It thrills me to death to know that I can write something to help someone.  Below you will find her first entry.  I hope you will follow along with her journey.  SHE CAN SO DO THIS!!!!!  It's going to be a great!!!!!!
There are no words for me to tell her thank you enough for asking and for accepting the challenge.  I will continue with her help to tweak and change.  Who knows, the Lord may allow me to share this everyone.  Thanks again Tara!!!!!!

I am trying to figure out exactly how I got myself into this. Let me introduce myself.  I am Tara.  I am a 35 year old who has always struggled with my weight but I enjoy being healthy and working out. Eighteen months ago was the beginning of several life changing moments and I have not been able to recover my routine of cooking healthy and exercise.  I knew it was time to get back on track in this area of my life.  So,   several months ago I asked Pam if we could run together.  I was having a hard time getting motivated.  So, when our schedules allow we get together and we joke about Pam being my “Jill”.  It’s great because she pushes me, but we live in different time zones, so to speak and running together is almost impossible.  I was desperate for a running buddy.  I met a lady at a birthday party who lives 1 mile from me who “runs” and whala.  I am running 3 times a week.  Anyway, I felt like I was floundering even though I was out there I didn’t have a goal or a plan.  I need an end.  Innocently, I Facebooked Pam and said I need a plan.  I thought she would print something out of a running magazine or running for dummies but not our sweet Pam.  She was off to the races and we now have Transformation From the Inside Out(or as I call it Death by Jill) I admit not nearly as inspiring.  I digress.  That is how I arrived here on Pam’s blog.  I am not sure I like that everyone knows I have this plan to carry out but I love the plan.  It has reminded me of things I have forgotten, it has motivated me and because of all you people reading this, some I know I will see in the next month, it holds me accountable.  So I am going to take the plan as a challenge.   I am starting it on Monday with weighing, measuring and working out.  I am going to stick with it and I am going to let you know how it is going weekly.  I have a goal of 55 pounds I want to lose. I know I can do it.  I am excited.
Game On Tara!!!!!!

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