Wednesday, March 26, 2014


I am blown away.  I have completed 80 days!!!!!!  I have only 10 more days.  It doesn't seem real right now.  I wasn't sure I would get to this point but I HAVE!!!!  It has required a lot from me.  Even if it is only 30 minutes, do not underestimate it!!!!  I have learned so much about me.  All of the "I can" list that I posted before.  The fact that I am increasing weights is just MIND BLOWING for me!

I'm ready for the next Challenge Group!  I'm ready to be confident in my swimsuit this year.  I'm one that typically will run around with a T-shirt over my swimsuit.  NOT THIS YEAR!!!  We live 20 minutes from the beach and we have a pool in our complex.  I WILL be confident in my swimsuit this year!!!!!!!  Want to get in on a group?  Let me know!  I can get you linked with a Coach!  It's FREE!!!!!!

Bring It!
Coach Pam

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