Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Feed Yourself!

So the other day I wrote about my revelation looking at the Ration Guide for the 22 Minute Hard Corps program that I was doing and realizing that the reason I wasn't loosing weight like I thought was that I thought I had it figured out!  I had done 3 rounds of 21 Day Fix Extreme and thought that I had a good grasp on how much I should be eating.  WRONG!!!!!!
Tonight we had a balanced dinner.  We had baked chicken, green beans and sweet potatoes.  I thought I would just see how far off I was.  Let's just say, if you don't have this little magic containers.......YOU NEED TO GET THEM!!!!!!  They are GAME CHANGERS!
Order Here
So, let me just show you what this does for you........
When you don't feed your body, your body will go into "Starvation Mode" and your metabolism is so much slower which leads to not burning the calories!
Here is what I was eating at lunch/dinner.
Looks appropriate right?  I would eat this at lunch and think I was being really good.  I had my carb (yellow), my protein (red), and my veggies (green).  Of course with plenty of water.  So, after reading the Ration Book from 22 Minute Hard Corps, I did my research.

My immediate thought was....I'm not that far off!.......... WRONG!!!!!!  LOOK AT THIS!!!!!!
HOLY SMOKES!!!!  I was BLOWN AWAY!!!!  Here is the key to doing a program and getting the absolute best results possible!  I don't care if you have used those containers through 1 program or 100 programs, USE THE CONTAINERS!!!!!   Don't cheat yourself!!!!!!!  I'm heading into ROUND 2 after HELL WEEK next week.  Containers will be a MUST!!!!!
 How about you?
Do you need some help with using containers or even just getting some?

Let me help you!!!

Coach Pam

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