Friday, January 13, 2017

2 Weeks of Whole30 Check In



This is just crazy!!!!  I am still amazed at what we have been able to accomplish.  I'm still so proud that my Hubby jumped in and is doing this with me.  I  tried to do this before with a couple of other people and he was not with me on doing it at that point.  It is so much easier to do this with your spouses support and doing it together!

We have cut out dairy- HE LOVES A GLASS OF MILK and ICE CREAM!

We have cut out sugar- I love sugar in my coffee!

We have cut out legumes- Did you know you can have chili without beans? Did you know that you can live without hummus?

We have cut out wheat, gluten, grains- We have learned to be creative to have meals without bread, pasta, couscous and quinoa

We have cut out soy and a multitude of additives- We have learned so much about reading labels and all of the crud that we have allowed in our food. It is a real eye opener.

We weighed in the first day and we are not to weigh again until after the 30 days.  I know that things are changing just by my clothes.  Pants are loose, jackets close and cross over and just in general feeling so much better.  It really makes me want to just throw away the "Stuff" in my pantry.

Kaleb keeps saying----"There is NOTHING in here" when he looks in the pantry.  I just explain that we are eating food that is good for us and that are going to make us healthier, happier and able to play more outside with him.  He loves that idea!!!!

Stay with me.  We have 2 more weeks.  Just another 14 days.  I KNOW we can do this!  No quitting! No cheating! We Got THIS!!!!!!

Have you ever considered doing Whole30?

Do you have questions?

What if you could do it with a group of other men and women, would you be interested?

Post below!  I would love to hear from you!!!!!

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