Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Transformation Tuesday


I am excited to share this.
I didn't ask if I could.
I just chose to do it anyway.
Transformation Tuesday is none other than my HUBBY!!!!!!!  

I am so excited to just brag on him a little bit!!!!!  Last year he jumped into a weight-loss challenge at work.  You have to understand that he is SUPER competitive!!!!! He works hard and will step up to any challenge put in front of him.

Last year he dropped over 40 pounds and has kept it off.  This year is different.  We decided to do Whole 30!  I mean giving up some major things that we eat and cook and buy all the time! Sugar and grains and wheat etc.  I wasn't sure but of course he said "Yes, I'm in."  I admit when he said that I seriously thought...."He has no idea what he is getting into!".
We are Day 9 and he is doing AWESOME!!!!!  We are doing a weight loss challenge at work as well and he is in the middle of that as well!!!

He wouldn't have done this, several years ago.  I just wanted to share how proud I am of him and how excited I am that he is joining me in this journey!  It's so much better doing life together!!!!!

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