Monday, November 27, 2017

Self Care.......REALLY?????

So I was having this discussion the other day with a friend.  She had sent me a message and asked me about a Beachbody product and I had sent her a message back.  It was something that we had discussed before.  She proceeded to send me a message back and I was so excited for her.

She sent me a message to let me know that she had made some decisions in her life.

1- She has discovered a yoga class that is making a world of difference for her and she is going regularly and consistently.

2- She had decided that is was time to take care of herself.

3- She was doing all of these things because SHE WANTED TO and not because someone else told her or someone else said she had to.

I was so EXCITED FOR HER!!!!!!

SHE GET'S IT!!!!!!

Ladies, and Gentleman, you can not take the adventure into gaining the healthy life that we all want if you are doing it for your spouse, your parents, your friends or anyone else.  YOU HAVE TO DO IT FOR YOU!  You have to want it bad enough that you are willing to put it in your schedule and want it!!!

I can invite you.

I can encourage you.

I can be your cheerleader.

I can NOT do it for you.

I can NOT make you do it.

I am here when you are ready!!!!!!!

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