It was gorgeous!
Sun was out!
Very slight breeze!
It was just incredible!
2 Days later
Even SNOW one morning!! It was CRAZY!!!!
It was almost 10 days before I could ever get back on the road because of the weather.
Yesterday.....Sun is out! It was incredible! There was a strong breeze but I did not care. I was going to run no matter what.
It was almost like I HAD to because it was just that pretty outside.
I got to my favorite parking place......
OH NO!!!!!
No hat!
No new playlist like I had planned!
No sunglasses!
I could have sat there and been upset and drove off.
I ran and ran and ran!!! It was incredible!!!!!
I wasn't fast.
I was even talking a walk break BUT I WAS OUT AND DOING WHAT I HAVE MISSED FOR 2 YEARS!!!
Yesterday was just a confirmation that I was suppose to be out there. The weather is going to be great the next few days. I'm excited to see what and where and how He shows up on these runs!!!!
Stay Tuned!!!! Don't miss out! If you are running to, please feel free to sign up on the sidebar and get an email when there is a new post!!!!!
Coach Pam
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