Monday, January 29, 2018

Week 2 of 80 Day Obsession!!!!

Well, I have successfully made it through Week 2 of 80 Day Obsession!!!
I have to admit that this week was a bit of a challenge.  Not in a bad way!!!
This week I learned several things.

Let's Get Started!!!

--You WILL figure out Timed Nutrition.  I admit that the first week was a challenge.  I was not sure how I would possibly eat all of that food I prepared but this week I found myself OUT of food by Saturday evening and throwing things together to meet my containers.  Absolutely amazing.

--You WILL and MUST challenge yourself.  I lift a lot of weights, use slider and resistance loops.  While all of that is wonderful, if I don't increase my resistance with the loops, or increase the weight of my dumbbells or pull in my abs more every time I do the exercise IT WILL NOT CHANGE OR CHALLENGE ME!!!  Is it HARD? Yes, but OH SO WORTH IT!!!!

--You MUST trust the process.  If Autumn has said it once, she has said it 100 times.  The key for me is this.  The Result pictures from the Test Group are AFTER the entire 80 Days!!!  They are not after week one.  They are not after week 2 and for sure not after only 3 weeks.  They are after the FULL 80 DAYS!!!!

-- You WILL feel different.  Yes, I actually feel different.  You feel a TON of emotions.  This is not only about your physical health but your emotional health.  You will be more confident.  You may even have a bout of tears in the middle of a workout because you are working so hard and you are so proud of yourself and how far you have come.

I am here to help.  I would love to have you join me on this journey.  Maybe 80 Days is to much to fast and you need to start at the beginning.  NO PROBLEM.....I got you covered!!!

Let's do this!  What are you waiting for!!!!!

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