Sunday, February 11, 2018

Phase 1 is In The Books!!!

Well, I have completed the first Phase of 3.  I admit I was a bit nervous.  I was scared to share such pictures because it is a very vulnerable place to be.  This is a program, the only way I know to describe it is, that has completely ROCKED MY WORLD.  I have had to rethink so many things with this program.
Typically thinking when people are on a “program”
-You majorly cut your calories (700-1200)
-You workout like a crazy person
-You are exhausted
-You are obsessed with the scale
I have been there more times than I care to count.  I have a horrible relationship with the scale.  It is a piece of bathroom furniture that I can not stand.  I have been in a place that I have weighed several times a day and THAT number determined how many times I needed to workout in a day AND what workouts would burn the most calories AND what things that I could eat AND how many calories I was putting in my mouth AND how many calories I could have based on when I was going to the gym.  DO YOU SEE WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT!!!!!!  This is NOT living

Well this program tells me exactly what to eat and when to eat it.  What workout to do and I can choose when to do it.  Morning, Afternoon or even the evening .......THE BEST PART.....I don’t have to get on the scale every day, every week or even bi-weekly.  I get on at the end of a phase.  ONE TIME!  That is it!!!  Absolutely AMAZING!!!!

So, at the end of Phase 1—-
I’m down 4 pounds and 10 1/2 Inches!!!!!
Are you serious???
Yes, Yes I am!!!!!!
The best part.....after calculations for the next Phase- I get to eat even more food!!!!  CRAZY!!!!!

I would love to have you join me on this journey!  It’s absolutely a GAME CHANGER!!!!  What are you waiting for?   JUMP IN!!!  Message me ASAP!!!  New Group Starting 2/19!!!!!!

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