Friday, August 18, 2017

Flashback Friday!!!!!!

I wanted to share this with you all.  I run accountability groups and challenge groups and even FREE GROUPS!!!!  I get so much push-back when I tell my ladies in the group to do their pictures for the before and afters.  When looking through some pictures last night I ran across these two and made the post below.
This is WHY you do the Before and the After Pictures!!!!!!!!  We look at ourselves every day and we can very easily get frustrated because we don't see it.  BUT......when you put them next to each other....YOU CAN SEE IT!!!!!!  So if you are in a group and your Coach tells you to take the before pictures.....TAKE THE PICTURE!!!!!!

Flashback Friday!  😱😱😱😱
I was going across pictures and realized this was just like a year ago.  OH MY GOODNESS!!!!  I knew that we had made some changes and I knew things were different but had no idea just how much!  WOW!!!  Hard work is paying off and I am so excited to see what happens next!!!  Seeing pictures like this makes me want to work THAT much harder to just see how far I can go!!!!!
Tomorrow morning is time for the before and after pictures from just a 3 week program.  I am excited to see those!!!!!  Are you ready for a change?
Are you ready to see the difference in your pictures?
THIS is why I take pictures!  #sorrynotsorry #accountability

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